

James Hinnant

Embedded firmware development


Over 25 years experience in embedded firmware and software
Several years in highly reliable satellite flight software
Firmware running or residing on over 80 satellites on-orbit
Code development and unit / integration testing
C, C++, Ada, 8051, 1750A, ARM, 1553B, RS-232C, RS-485, Unix tools, Linux installs, Java, Python, ActiveMQ, Redmine
M.S., B.S in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science minor
Silicon Valley / Bay Area

Satellite List
Résumé, in html format
Résumé, in PDF format
LinkedIn profile


SSL (née Space Systems/Loral, now SSL, a Maxar subsidiary):     sslmda.com   •  How Satellites Are Used (SSL)
SSL's FS-1300 satellite series:     at sslmda.com   •   at astronautix.com   •   at Gunter's Space Page   •   at wikipedia
Onboard Computer Systems (OBCS) , Int'l Space Station Training Simulator, in NASA Tech Briefs
See also OBCS in NASA-CR-188291, Software architecture standard for simulation virtual machine, v. 2.0, for the Space Station Verification and Training Facility (SSVTF)
International Space Station assembly sequence photos   •  Reference Guide (PDF)  •  Evolution Data Book, Volume 1: Baseline Design (PDF)
MTSAT (description from Australia Bureau of Meteorology)
NASA-JSC's mission simulators
Shuttle Mission Simulator  (SMS)
Space Station Mockup and Training Facility  (SSMTF, née SSVTF), in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility
SSMTF at Google Images
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